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Other one in a sentence

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Sentence count:90+4Posted:2018-08-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: the other oneperonheronoperonzerothveronaperoneushyperon
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61. The other one is that it will improve human races gene, I believe mixed marriage can make races stronger, more beautiful and more smart generation by generation.
62. The other one is between the Upper Ordovician Terekawat Formation and the underlying formations, which presents commonly as a parallel unconformity or an angular unconformity in some regions.
63. The other one is that the contemporary international division of labour becomes a kind of "transnational division of labour".
64. Construct the vector sum of this vector and the other one.
65. Two PI adjusters were applied for wire feeding velocity control, one performed motor armature voltage feedback, the other one executed arc voltage feedback to determine the given velocity.
66. No, Ratti Bai . Ganga Bai was the other one. She died, poor woman.
67. The negative refraction in uniaxial crystal is different from that in left-handed materials, it is one special property of the uniaxial crystal, and the other one is negative reflection.
68. The other one was called the bubble line, this is called the dew line.
69. Then, one 5 times in a row to do heart massage before coming to a halt and the other one to do artificial respiration .
70. We received a question about the Big and Little Dippers. "How can I locate both Ursa Minor and Ursa Major?I am seeing one of them in the sky ... but cannot tell which one and where the other one is."
71. The divorce where a party failed to perform in accordance with the divorce agreement should do one's duty, other one party can to people court to lodge a civil action.
72. Nervously, they at each other , averting their eyes when they see the other one looking back.
73. The other one is Singapore's finance minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, who is chairman of the IMF's International Monetary and Financial Committee.
74. Inside the house there are two suitcases, one of leatheroid with clothes of hers and her father and some document papers, and the other one of is made of wood with the Naxi clothes of her mothers.
75. The other one is to straight store road network with the generalized forward star structure, which can represent turn restrictions and intersection delays.
76. The other one is thinking of the shallowness of cause manic and academic divisions.
77. The other one is the assurgent ladder truck including 5 different angle combinations.
78. Methods 991 patients with cholangio-pancreatic duct diseases were collected, 990 of 991 cases underwent surgery and T-tube cholangiogram, other one underwent barium meal.
79. Workers in it to a fine leg, the other one is in chains on iron.
80. Jeth : Oh yeah. Got us some cottonmouths in that cage and rattlers in the other one.
81. The " dividable bundle of rights" refers to the rights bundle building up with alienable right branches, and the branches can be hold by other one.
82. Write HART configuration through reading, can adjust span, brae and other one stage setting.
83. I put a tampon in but I might not have pulled out the other one.
84. 6 - Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one - and let the other one off.
85. Holz was here with the other one , the weasel.
86. This case is not on all fours with the other one, so no analogy can be drawn between them.
87. She was so satiated with bananas that she would not even look at other one.
88. Parents often balance each other, with one being the worrier and the other one remaining calm.
89. This month alone, my wife and I spent $600 on one Labrador retriever with a bladder infection who needed some kidney tests and $300 on the other one for an injured paw.
90. On Sunday, January 4th, at 1:00pm eastern, the Miami Dolphins and Baltimore Ravens will line up against each other one last time in Miami in a Wild-Card Weekend matchup.
More similar words: the other oneperonheronoperonzerothveronaperoneushyperonperonealOberonciceroneaileronpower onenter onneither onechaperonfurther onenteronchaperonelater ongeronimonumber onelooker-onhanger-onveronicaaeronautsoldier onpepperonideuteroncenter on
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